Friday 14 June 2024

Fruit at the Alphabet Challenge

Welcome to the Alphabet Challenge where Melanie has chosen Fruit as the topic for this fortnight.

Pop over to the Challenge site and see the DT makes, then why not join in.

A CAS Christmas card today, Digital stamp from Power Poppy coloured with Promarkers.

Thank you for popping in today, I appreciate the time you take to do this and for any comments you leave.


Gif from Animated Images  


Dotty Jo said...

Hi Meg, what a very clever take on the theme at Christmas Kickstart! Your card is beautiful. Thanks for joining Denise and me at Christmas kickstart, Jo x

crafty-stamper said...

Great CAS Christmas card and I love the image and beautifully coloured great shading on the pears.
Carol x

Chris said...

A clever interpretation of the theme Meg, that image is gorgeous, fabulous colouring too.

Vicky Hayes said...

What a fun card Meg! I don't know who would think of planting a pear tree in a teapot but there we are! Loving this interpretation of the Kickstart Gifts theme and it has made me think of a little book I bring out every Christmas; it's a book of thank you letters by the 'True Love' of the song and goes along the lines of "Thank you for the lovely gift. I am very fond of birds but I do have limited space and the partridge, the turtle doves, the French hens and the Colley birds are all fighting and now these geese have are causing havoc with all the eggs they're laying..." Makes me laugh every year! Have a good weekend! Vicky x

*Vicki* said...

Wow, what a very pretty card Meg! I love how you've colored the image and it's so vibrant looking! Great take on the theme! Have a great weekend!

Liz said...

Wonderful card Meg, the lovely image is beautifully coloured.
Liz xx

Claudia's kaartjes said...

geweldige kaart. Zeer mooi.
Very nice card.
Creatieve Groetjes Claudia

Mijn FB groep: Claudia's Kaartjes
You tube:Claudia's Kaartjes
Blog:Claudia's Kaartjes
Challenge blogs:
Girlz Creative Christmas 
Girlz makes Guyz Cards
Girlz creative crafts
Creative sketchy girls

brenda said...

It's a very stylish Christmas card Meg, love the image, not unlike a wood mounted one I had years ago, under the dust somewhere still I imagine.

B x

Crafty KJ said...

This is just gorgeous! Love this image and your colouring is fab, especially love how you've done the pears - they really pop! A really great CAS style card. Thanks so much for sharing at Passion for Markers. Hugs, Karen x

Intruderlady said...

Beautiful CAS card. Love your colours. Thanks for joining my Animal challenge over at Passion for Markers. Good luck with your entry.
Kitty PFM DT

Vicky Hayes said...

Glad to have given you a laugh Meg. My version of The Twelve Days of Christmas is by John Julius Norwich and is illustrated by Quentin Blake. 10 out of 10 - would recommend! Vicky xx

cuilliesocks said...

A very pretty card Meg and so beautifully coloured to, Kate x

Rainey's Craft Room said...

A gorgeous image, beautifully coloured too. I'm not ready this year to be thinking about Christmas in June :) I haven't made a single Christmas card yet, I'm very behind!

Jane Savage said...

Beautiful colouring on this stunning image!
Thank you for joining us at Creative Inspirations for our ‘Christmas in June’ Challenge! Jane S (DT) Paper, Pencils & Pretty Things! xxx

Linda Mc Enery said...

I love your clean and simple design - perfect to highlight this beautiful image. Fantastic colouring! Thanks for sharing this with us at Passion for Markers!

EmmaT said...

Delicious card and image

pinky said...

This is just lovely Meg and I am now humming that song!!

Em Louise Fairley said...

Meg, this is beautiful! Thanks for joining us at 613 Avenue Create. I hope we see you on the front porch again soon!

Hugs, Em
613 Avenue Create DT
Creative Em my blog
Creative Em on YouTube my Youtube channel

Furrbster said...

What a gorgeous Christmas card!

Thanks for playing along with us at MAWTT,

Hugz Tinz